South Carolina Teacher Retention Report for 2022–23
To track trends in South Carolina teacher retention, the research team analyzed data from 80 districts over the past six years. This report addresses how retention rates differ across school organizational levels and by school factors (e.g., principal tenure and geographic locale), offering critical insights and context into the stability and variability of teacher retention in the state.
Overview: South Carolina Teacher Retention Report for 2022–23
This overview on South Carolina teacher retention trends shares takeaways from the full 2022–23 report. Investigating how retention rates differ across school organizational levels and by school factors like principal tenure offers critical context into teacher retention in the state. For more information, read the full 2022–23 retention report.
Job Demands Experienced by South Carolina Teachers in 2023
This info-brief analyzes the daily challenges teachers face most impacting their effectiveness, satisfaction, and ability to remain in the profession. Using data and perspectives from the 2023 SC Teacher Working Conditions Survey and guidance from the Proviso 1.114 Task Force Report, we’re learning more about teachers’ highest concerns and revising the survey to better understand teacher experiences.
2023 Working Conditions of New Teachers in South Carolina
This infographic uses 2023 SC Teacher Working Conditions Survey data to dig deeper into perspectives of new teachers. SC TEACHER’s 2022–23 Teacher Exit Survey signaled new teachers as a critical focus for retention efforts. What can we learn about keeping new teachers in the profession from those that participated in the working conditions survey?
2023 Teacher Working Conditions in South Carolina Rural and Town Schools
This report builds off of the 2023 SC Teacher Working Conditions Survey to better understand nuances in teacher perceptions by location. Using National Center for Educations Statistics (NCES) designations of “town” and “rural,” key questions investigate how school profiles and working conditions vary within these categories to potentially inform distinct improvement strategies.
South Carolina Teacher Exit Survey Summary of Results for 2022-23
The SC Teacher Exit Survey collects information from public K-12 classroom teachers not renewing their teaching contracts. The survey is designed to offer better insights into how working conditions relate to teachers’ decisions to either teach in another school district or leave the classroom. This year’s report highlights results for the 2022-23 academic year and draws longitudinal comparisons with the 2021-22 results. Respondents include 1,192 teachers across 18 school districts who left their teaching positions at the end of the 2022-23 school year.
Teacher Workforce Profile in South Carolina for 2021-2022
SC TEACHER published the first teacher workforce profile report in September 2020, drawing upon statewide education data from the 2018-2019 academic year to examine key demographics of the teachers across our state, with consideration of extant factors such as the geographic context of the districts (urban or rural) and average poverty level (lower or higher poverty) within the school.
This third workforce profile report utilizes statewide educational data from the 2021-2022 academic year to draw comparisons with the United States and the 2022 workforce profile report. The results provide a more thorough understanding of dissimilarities within the South Carolina teacher workforce, especially in high-poverty schools and non-suburban communities.
Insights include how teacher demographics vary in relationship to more specific categories of school location (city, suburb, town, rural) and the percentage of students in poverty at the school. The report also examines differences found in the teacher workforce of high-poverty schools across locations.
2023 South Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey
We’ve built an infrastructure that serves as the leading resource for data and research about SC teacher working conditions. Download the full report and/or summary of what we learned from more than 17,000 teachers in 44 districts who responded to the survey in spring of 2023. Stay tuned for forthcoming reports as we continue to study and analyze results.
Summary of Results for the South Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey 2023
In 2022-2023, the South Carolina Legislature appropriated funding as part of Act 185 for SC TEACHER to design and implement a teacher working conditions survey. All SC public teachers are given the opportunity to share their individual perspectives on their working conditions, resources and challenges related to their work, and the impact of these areas on teachers’ engagement and satisfaction.
South Carolina Teacher Retention Rates for the 2020-2021 Academic Year: One-Year and Three-Year Averages
To better understand the state of teacher recruitment, preparation, and retention in South Carolina, our research team investigates a variety of school-level factors associated with the educator pipeline. Gaining insight through these data inform how policymakers and educators can think differently to improve policy and practice.